by Joanna | Oct 21, 2022 | Office Life, Recruitment
When speaking to tech leaders about their recruiting challenges, more and more mention that attracting the right type of talent is not their biggest issue right now, it is retention. A couple of weeks ago, I run a quick survey on Linkedin asking my connections what is...
by Cam@MagicMondayz | Aug 18, 2022 | Office Life, Recruitment
The tech industry relies on fast ideas, out-of-the-box creativity, and a work ethic to get things done before someone else beats you to it. This often fosters a perceived culture of stress and ambition and discounts any softness needed to keep the machine well-oiled....
by Cam@MagicMondayz | Aug 18, 2022 | Office Life, Recruitment
Over the last few years, there has been a dramatic shift in work culture worldwide. Industries have moved (out of necessity) to a work-from-home model that has brought both a surge in production and an increased feeling of work-life balance. However, long-term effects...
by Cam@MagicMondayz | Mar 23, 2021 | Office Life
It has now been more than a year since a lot of us started working remotely because of COVID-19. Besides of occasional remote days, most office workers have not been used to working from home, and it may have been a big shock at first. The combination of missing your...
by Cam@MagicMondayz | Jul 23, 2020 | News, Office Life
With a growing number of companies moving their workforce to a remote model, many routine operations are all of a sudden in need of a makeover. And It doesn’t stop at having to make (or buy) your own coffee. Remote teams need to adjust their tactics to meet new...
by Cam@MagicMondayz | Mar 30, 2020 | News, Office Life
Ladies and Gents, please meet Dona, our Commercial Talent Hunter who recently joined our team of Recruiters at Magic Mondayz. This World Traveller is currently based in Bulgaria but all together she’s visited 33 countries and 197 cities and keeps counting. Her...