10 Tips To Working More Efficiently From Home

10 Tips To Working More Efficiently From Home

It’s happening. In the recent times, tech giants such as Facebook, Twitter, Shopify and Coinbase have all announced that from here on out, they will be offering a large percentage (if not all) of their workforce the opportunity to work from home, indefinitely. As...
Why Estonia? Part 2: Life in Tallinn

Why Estonia? Part 2: Life in Tallinn

Ready to pack your bags and head to Tallinn? Read on for some practical information to help your relocation go smoothly, courtesy of Magic Mondayz  Getting and staying here The Tallinn airport is small and the city centre is easily accessible by the number 4 tram....
Why Estonia? Part 1: Tech-Loving Tallinn

Why Estonia? Part 1: Tech-Loving Tallinn

Since moving to the northeastern European city of Tallinn, Estonia in 2016, there is a question I have been asked many, many times: “Why Estonia?” The truth is that Tallinn—Estonia’s capital and largest city, being home to 400,000 people—lends credence to the phrase...