by Cam@MagicMondayz | Feb 24, 2022 | Lifestyle
It’s happening. In the recent times, tech giants such as Facebook, Twitter, Shopify and Coinbase have all announced that from here on out, they will be offering a large percentage (if not all) of their workforce the opportunity to work from home, indefinitely. As...
by Cam@MagicMondayz | Feb 4, 2022 | Lifestyle, Recruitment
Companies going remote is not a new trend. Since 2005, remote work has grown 159% according to Global Workplace Analytics upon analysis of the U.S. Census and Bureau of Labor Statistics data. This data defines a remote worker as someone who works with location...
by Cam@MagicMondayz | Jan 17, 2022 | Lifestyle
It’s that time of the week where we feel the need to impart a bit of honesty. There are thousands of articles that all sing the praises of remote working, and it can lead readers to believe that there are no downsides. Like any path leading to a magnificent result,...
by Cam@MagicMondayz | Nov 1, 2019 | Lifestyle, News
With the trend showing an increase in remote work, what are the pros and cons and what does it take to make it work for you? Remote working is very much on the rise in Europe, largely driven by advances in networking technology, a startup boom across the continent,...
by Cam@MagicMondayz | Jul 28, 2019 | Lifestyle, News
Ready to pack your bags and head to Tallinn? Read on for some practical information to help your relocation go smoothly, courtesy of Magic Mondayz Getting and staying here The Tallinn airport is small and the city centre is easily accessible by the number 4 tram....
by Cam@MagicMondayz | Jul 28, 2019 | Lifestyle, News
Since moving to the northeastern European city of Tallinn, Estonia in 2016, there is a question I have been asked many, many times: “Why Estonia?” The truth is that Tallinn—Estonia’s capital and largest city, being home to 400,000 people—lends credence to the phrase...